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Beolover SyncDrive: DC Platter Motor Replacement for Beogram 4002 and 4004 (Type 551x and 552x)

Late Beogram 4002 and the 4004 (Types 551x and 552x), which have DC platter motors instead of the earlier synchronous AC motors usually suff...

Friday, June 14, 2024

Beo4 Enabled Commander Remote Control: Seamless Integration of Beogram 4002 or 4004 with More Recent B&O Systems

A few months ago, Dirk, a fellow Beolover in Berlin, contacted me and suggested that it would be a nice thing being able controlling his Beogram 4004 with a Beo4 remote control. He has a Beosound 9000 in his living room, and wanted to integrate his Beogram in a way that it ideally would behave as a 'Beolinked' source.

I appreciated this idea and figured out how to modify the existing Beolover Commander remote. Basically, it needed a 455kHz capable IR receiver for communicating with a Beo4 and then I had to figure out how the Beo4 'ticks' in terms of codes it sends out in certain operational circumstances and rewrite the firmware.

Since the Beo4 is a fairly complex remote control with many modes, this was not trivial. But in the end I think I was able to arrive at a useful point, where the Commander equipped Beogram would pretty much behave as if it were connected to the Beosound via Beolink. 

I made a short video that demonstrates this system. The video contains footage that Dirk sent me. It shows how his Beogram interacts with his Beosound. He even figured out how to make a Beoremote One work with the Beo4 Commander! Very awesome! Enjoy:

The Beo4 Commander is available at the Beolover Store if you want to try this at home!..;-).

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