
Sunday, March 3, 2024

Beogram 5500 Type 5943: As Received

 I recently opened up and examined a Beogram 5500 turntable audio component that goes with this Beomaster 5500 restoration I did earlier.

This Beogram 5500 does not function and appears to be dead.

Opening it into the service position I immediately saw a problem with the tangential arm assembly drive...the drive string was not connected.

Both ends of the drive string are disconnected and a bit tangled.

After sorting the drive string out and began to re-install it, I discovered a problem with the common mounting post for the two ends (Point H in the service manual diagram).

Mounting post "H" is missing.

It might be possible to make some sort of replacement but I do happen to have a parts unit Beogram 3000 Type 5903. It is in really bad shape and beyond restoration consideration. However, its internal parts are in good shape.

Bang & Olufsen used this same internal Beogram assembly on quite a number of their tangential turntables (including the Beogram 3000 and 5500).  I should be able take the white, plastic tangential arm assembly chassis (1106) from the Beogram 3000 and use it in the Beogram 5500.

Here is a photo of the Beogram 3000 arm drive mount on its 1106 chassis.
It clearly shows the missing mounting post "H".

On a positive note, I discovered this Beogram 5500 has a blown main fuse.
Replacing it got the turntable to turn on again and its motors run.

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