
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Beogram 5500 Type 5943: Replacing the Transport Chassis 1106 Base

 In order to get this Beogram 5500 functional again the bottom part of the tangential arm assembly chassis (1106) must be replaced.

At the end of the previous post I showed photos of this Beogram 5500 chassis and the photos revealed a broken tab necessary for the arm control string to connect to.  Without that tab the Beogram 5500 tangential arm assembly cannot operate.

The first step in replacing the bottom section of chassis 1106 is to remove the arm assembly from the guide rails.

There are two rails that I lifted up on one end and slid out to remove.

A view of the back of the arm assembly shows a spring (for arm lowering and raising) that will have to be removed.

Having removed the guide rails, the tangential arm assembly can be lifted and turned to access other parts that will have to be disassembled.

A nice part about this design is that the phono audio cables can be detached from the base of the arm assembly without having to de-solder or disturb the phono cable connections.

As this photo shows, the phono cables are fitted around the chassis 1106 base so they just need to be maneuvered out of their slots.

There are also two screws at the base of the chassis that must be removed so the bottom piece of 1106 can be removed.

...and here is the tangential arm assembly ready for the bottom (white piece) to be pulled off.

You can see that the phono cables are out of the way.

Here is the bottom piece of chassis 1106 removed.

Again, here are the old and the replacement chassis 1106 bottom pieces to show the mounting tab for the tangential arm guide string.

Reassembly with the new arm assembly base was just the reverse steps of the assembly.

With the proper chassis 1106 base installed it was easy to attach the tangential arm guide string.

I installed a new servo belt and tested that the tangential arm assembly is operational.

The set down points of the tonearm for 17 cm and 30 cm records are a little off.
I will be going through the service manual adjustments for this Beogram 5500 next.

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