
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bay Area Beogram 8002: Cabinet Work Completion to First Record Play

Today I finally got this Beogram 8002 turntable into a listening room to begin record play testing.

It took a little longer than I anticipated to finish up the reassembly to arrive at this point but I took a little detour to fix the chipped rosewood trim on the front panel.

A cosmetic repair of the trim was not originally in the plans for this restoration but the more I looked at it the more I didn't like leaving the front panel chipped like that.

The journey down the path of repair for something like this can end up taking extra time of course and this one certainly did. When working on repairs like this glue is involved so that means waiting time for glues to cure.

Then there are times where it takes more than one attempt to make the repair. That also happened here.
In my initial repair attempt I decided to just try and patch the areas that were chipped. In this case two...a large chip and a much smaller one.

The fit and install of the patch for the larger chip went well. I used a piece I cut out of some rosewood veneer I keep for this type of repair. The fit and pattern match was good.

After gluing the repair patch in place I cut off the excess, sanded the repair and applied some boiled linseed oil for a finish.

It should have been a nice repair but the small patch turned too dark and I realized that the small remaining chip was too small to make a good repair. Even if I just used some wood filler.

It didn't look terrible and was better than having the chips there but I decided I couldn't leave it like this.
The large patch fit good but darkened too much and my eyes kept being drawn to the small chip that still needed to be fixed.

My rework of the fix was to cut out the first repair attempt and make the cut so that there would be just one, rectangular patch piece needed to cover both of the original chips.

I selected a lighter section of rosewood from my veneer piece in the second attempt. 
Here is the result of the second (and final) attempt.

The patch piece still darkened but I think overall this patch is much better.  It is far from perfect but better than the original chips.

As a side note...I investigated using some rosewood trim from a spare Beogram 800x turntable cabinet that was beyond repair.  I also looked at some spare Beocord 800x and Beomaster 6000/8000 cabinets for possible donor trim pieces.  In all cases the cabinets I have in my spare parts collection are all darker than the rosewood trim on this project. So my veneer piece is as good a match as I could get.

Returning to the tonearm compartment, I installed the nice, clean replacement hinge piece for the lid.
I used kilopoise grease for the lid damping and temporarily held the hinge in place with the original hinge bar for this Beogram.

The Beogram 8002 cabinet is now ready to start all of the reassembling of its components.

The first steps were to put the main turntable components (circuit board, transformer, control panel and floating chassis) back into the cabinet.

I like to do that first because until those are in place I can't close up the two halves of the cabinet and I don't like having that loose when I work with the dust cover and tonearm compartment lid.

In my haste to do the reassembly I neglected to photograph the re-install steps this time but for reference, here are the install steps from the last Beogram 8002 project.

Here is this Beogram 8002 with its internal components installed and ready for the dust cover and tonearm compartment lid installation.

For the dust cover installation I prefer to secure the dust cover and tonearm compartment hinge assembly together with the Beogram 8002 bar hinge.  By removing the bar hinge at the beginning it saved me from removing the back plate of the cabinet that has the hinge bar mounts for the cabinet frame. Removing that plate can often result in a loose rear plate because it has plastic clips that easily break off.

After I had the dust cover and tonearm compartment pieces secured with the Beogram 8002 bar hinge I attached the dust cover damping spring assembly.

Here is the dust cover installed and with the damping spring set properly to allow slow lowering of the dust cover.

The dust cover has two rubber bumper pads that mount in the front part of the lid (where it rests when lowered all the way to the deck). Those rubber pieces are always deteriorated and broken off.

I cleaned out the original bumper pad residue and installed my own 3D printed bumpers.

The dust cover now becomes an alignment guide for installing the tonearm compartment lid.

I used the same 3M VHB double-sided tape on the tonearm compartment lid as I did for the Beogram 8002 metal deck.

Everything looks like it is installed and this Beogram 8002 is ready to play some records.

It is off to my office where I can listen to records on this Beogram while I work.
Tonight I was in the mood to hear some nice jazz recordings so I broke out Quincy Jones "Walking In Space" and Lonnie Liston Smith "Live!".  

Don't stay up.  These listening tests may take a while.

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