
Monday, May 24, 2021

Beogram 8002 From North Carolina: Dust Cover Repair Part 2...ongoing saga

My feeling of enjoyment after the Beogram 8002 dust cover repair (in the previous post) was short lived.

As I spent time adjusting the dust cover lid damping tension and exercising the dust cover, as with typical use, I started to notice that the little bump in the dust cover from the original problem was becoming a problem again.

I had been a little worried about whether the epoxy repair would hold up.  The original problem was that the dust cover hinge assembly was bent upward at the point the lid damping fixed hinge mounts to the back part of the dust cover. 

In hindsight I should have completely disassembled the dust cover lid and examined the back part more closely.  

Performing some careful removal of my epoxy work I was able to successfully disassemble the Beogram 8002 dust cover assembly.

Sure enough...I discovered that the over stressing of the dust cover damping spring on the fixed hinge, in concert with the fact that the back part of the dust cover was not properly attached to the cabinet, resulted in a cracked joint on a crucial hinge attachment.

That break point isn't in a location where epoxy on the joint, by itself, can hold up to the damping spring force on the fixed hinge. 

The best solution in this case is to get a replacement for the broken dust cover back part.  Fortunately I have such a replacement in my parts archive.

Here is a side by side look at the broken back part and the replacement.  

Looking at the two parts side by side I noticed that the location where the fixed hinge mounts to the back part hinge bar has a broken tab on the faulty back part.

Here is the back of the Beogram 8002 cabinet with the dust cover components removed (again).

Here are the dust cover assembly and tonearm compartment lid components disassembled.

Another problem I had noticed with this Beogram 8002 cabinet was that the deck trim and tonearm compartment lid did not seem to be securely in place. 

I pulled off the deck trim piece and separated the tonearm compartment lid from its hinge plate.

You can see that whoever worked on this Beogram 8002 before me did not bother to remove the old, original B&O mounting tape residue. They just added more tape.

I will reset everything and start with clean surfaces.
The first step was to soak the old tape residue in some GooGone for a few hours.

Once the GooGone had done its job I was able to scrape off the old tape residue and wipe the surfaces clean in preparation for reattachment of the parts.

Everything now looks clean and proper for reassembly.  That will have to wait until the next post :-)

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