
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Beogram 4002 Type 5513: Reassembly of the Floating Chassis and Some Initial Checks

The tangential arm assembly component checks have been made and the Beogram 4002 cabinet has been cleaned with compress air. The reservoir capacitors have been replaced and it is time to put the floating chassis back into the cabinet.

I cleaned and lubricated the three suspension lock down screws and the reassembly begins with putting those screws back into the Beogram cabinet. 

Here is a picture of the Beogram with all three suspension locks reassembled. It also shows the platter motor and output board back in place.  You may recall that the platter motor was already restored by Beolover back in March.

Next I installed the control panel, the RPM indicator panel and the arm position scale.

Before installing the platter I tested turning on the Beogram first. I want to see if the arm position and record detector sensors work.

The arm position sensor works.

33⅓ RPM and 45 RPM speed select works as well as the two new Beolover indicators.

Here are the arm position sensor and the fixed arm, record detection sensor.

The arm position sensor, ES and SO switches all work. You can also barely make out the glow from the tracking sensor. It is working. The fixed arm, record detector lamp however looks very dim.

Sure enough, a quick check with the platter installed resulted in the sensor failing to detect the empty platter.

I opened up the fixed arm lamp housing and saw that the lamp is barely on.

After removing the lamp I could see that it is partially burned out.

I thought I might be at a standstill when I discovered that I had already used my last Beolover LED record detection lamp assembly. Luckily I still had a handful of original Bang & Olufsen Beogram 4002 detector lamps remaining.

There...that is the expected output of the sensor lamp.

Now I can move the Beogram over to the testing bench to dial in the sensor voltages, adjust the platter speed, set the tracking sensor sensitivity and run through the service manual adjustments.

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