
Friday, January 17, 2020

Beomaster 2400: Replacing the audio input panel

The last post on this Beomaster 2400 showed that it had a broken mount for the audio input source panel.

I was able to find a good replacement panel from another Beomaster 2400 I had purchased for my own use. It also has the 7-Pin DIN jack for the Phono input I need because this Beomaster 2400 will be connected to a Beogram 4004 and we want the remote control functionality between the two.

No worries on the Beomaster I am stealing this part from. I will actually just trade connector panels and figure out a repair solution with pieces from Beolover's DIN panel repair kit for the Beomaster 8000.

Here is the diagram of the Beomaster 2400 DIN source panel from the B&O upgrade kit to add Phono DIN connector pins 6 and 7 for remote control capability of the Beogram 4004.

Here are front and rear photos of the new input source panel. Its mounting tabs are intact and I have added text to the photos to show the pin numbers and function to match the B&O diagram.

Now to begin soldering the Tape and Phono wires to the new DIN jacks.

I removed all of the Beomaster 2400 control panels yet again to work on this audio source DIN connector panel. Here are the wires connected to the new DIN panel.

...back in business again...

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