
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Beomaster 1900 Type 2904: Recapping the main PCB and volume control PCB

The capacitor replacements have been made to the Beomaster 1900 main PCB and Volume Control PCB.

There were quite a few.  Sixty-four capacitors so far.  eleven were tantalum type capacitors while the rest were electrolytic capacitors.

Here are some photos of the Beomaster main PCB before any capacitor replacement.

As I removed the old capacitors I measured them out of curiosity regarding  how out of tolerance the capacitors were.  

Here is a sampling of how the old capacitors measured.

Even the tantalums were either out of tolerance or right on the edge.

On the Beomaster 1900 and 2400 restorations I like to start the capacitor replacement with the two 5000uF filter capacitors for the ±31 VDC rails.  They are the most difficult because of the number of wires the B&O design connects to them.

The rest of the capacitor replacements are just de-soldering two leads for each old capacitor and then soldering in the two leads of replacement capacitor...respecting their polarity of course.  There are just a lot of them.  Replacing the capacitors that are smaller values with WIMA MKS non-polar capacitors makes the job a little easier.

Here is a picture of the Volume Control PCB recapped.

Here are pictures of the main PCB recapped.

...and last, here is a picture of the recapped main PCB with the 64 replaced capacitors.

I still have a few capacitors to go.  They are located on the tone control panel.  Those will be next.

I also need to replace the no-load current trimmers for the output amplifier and I plan to change out the bridge rectifier for the 15 VDC supply.

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