
Saturday, February 26, 2022

Beogram 4000 AC Platter Motor Restoration

I recently received the AC platter motor of a Beogram 4000 in Massachusetts. The motor exhibited 'knocking' noises, which could not be alleviated by adjusting the motor voltage or tilt. My usual 'answer' to this issue is taking the motor apart and immersing the enclosure halves in motor oil and pulling a vacuum to fill the pores of the material with oil. This shows the motor as received:

I drilled out the threaded rivets and took it apart:

Then came the oil infusion step:

After a couple days the bubbling stopped and I reassembled the motor. Since the rivets cannot be re-used I provide 3D printed brackets that hold the motor together when it is bolted back into the Beogram:
This motor is ready for duty again! 

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