
Friday, December 24, 2021

Beocord 5000 Type 4923: New power supply capacitors and belts

In the previous post for this Beocord 5000 (Type 4923) I left off ready to install new belts and replace the electrolytic capacitors in the power supply.

Here are those tasks completed now.

These are the original power supply capacitors.

...and here are the new capacitors.

Next are the belts.

First is the tape counter belt

Then the clutch wheel and flywheel belts. 
They require some bracket disassembly to change the belts.

Here is the clutch wheel belt

Here is the flywheel belt

Like its other sibling Beosystem 5000 components the Beocord 5000 required some new cabinet feet.

With the Beocord reassembled I connected it to its Beomaster 5000 for a quick listen.

The Beocord is back working again.  It will require some more functional testing so that will be the topic of the next post.

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