
Monday, April 19, 2021

Beogram 4004 From Canada: Restoring the keypad

The keypad on this Beogram 4004 functions without any issues.  It is still a good idea to take a look at the contacts, clean them with Deoxit and a fiber brush. That will ensure that they continue working properly for many more years.

Another decision has to be made regarding the cosmetic restoration of the Beogram.
Most Beogram 4002 and 4004 turntables have some visible wear on the keypad button surfaces. Oil from human fingers wears away the original coating on the metal buttons over time.

This Beogram 4004 shows some of that type of wear.

The area of the panel where the buttons are is a polished steel plate that has been sprayed with a matte finish that gives it a brushed look. The contrast look of the design is a distinctive and classic look that makes the Beogram 4002 and 4004 turntables so great.

The owner of this Beogram wants that look returned as part of this restoration so I will exchange his keypad with one I had professionally recoated prior to lock downs.

I stripped off the remaining, original matte coating on the button plate then masked off everything else on the panel. I sent the keypad to a paint shop that could spray the button plate with an automotive grade, matte clear coat finish. It is a very tough finish that is used on automobiles so I expect it to last for a very long time in this application.

The keypad came back looking beautiful.

The two horizontal gaps between the button panel and the keypad frame was originally painted black. That needed touching up so I used some matte black paint for that.

Now on to the button contacts.

I began with taking off the Start button contacts first. 

After cleaning the two contact pieces with Deoxit and a fiber brush I reinstalled them and continued with the remaining buttons.

Contacts cleaned and treated, the button panel is ready to be reinstalled in the keypad frame.

The keypad is installed back in the Beogram 4004 and works like new.

I will replace the two lamps in the speed indicator displays next.

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