
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Pair of Beomaster 1900 Receivers for Restoration: Unit #1 Reassembly for Testing

 After a bit of weather related delay it is time to get back on track with this Beomaster 1900 restoration.

The Beomaster has been playing music quite nicely in the workshop for over a week. It is safe to reassemble the cabinet parts and prepare the Beomaster for some performance testing.

Before I can put the touch button control and the tone control/FM tuning panels back in place the three display masks for Bass, Treble and Balance have to be reconnected.

The touch button control panel is a little tricky to reinstall.
Each touch button post on the main PCB has a corresponding copper activator with a small notch that fits against the touch button post.  Sometimes getting those notches lined up with the posts is difficult.
This one was quite easy and the notches fit right on the posts without me having to reach a tool inside the Beomaster to help the alignment.

This photo shows two of the copper activators.

For the reinstallation of the tone control and FM tuning panel the slider control buttons must line up with the sliders as the panel is installed. I slide all three slider controls to the bottom before attaching the panel.

A little bit of Nyogel damping grease is applied to the tone control and FM tuning panel hinges before installing the panel.

You can see in the above photo that the Beomaster 1900 wood trim is looking fresh and good.
I did some very light sanding followed by cleaning and application of some boiled linseed oil.

Tomorrow I will be able to connect the Beomaster 1900 to some dummy speaker loads and make some audio measurements.

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