
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Beomaster 2400 Type 2902 - Canada Project Power Supply & No-Load Current Adjustment

 The hard parts of the Beomaster 2400 are completed. It is time to put the receiver back together so I can do some basic voltage checks.  

First though I need to re-attach the four output amplifier transistors that mount to the Beomaster 2400 heat sinks. I like using the Sil-Pad thermal interface product rather than the white thermal paste in these low profile receivers. The Sil-Pads do a good job and don't have the mess that paste does.

At this point I decided I wanted to check the Beomaster 2400 restoration I had done so far by powering up the Beomaster and performing some basic service manual tests.  In order to do that I re-attached the Filter & Tone Control board along with the Beomaster 2400 lamp boards.

If you think your eyes are playing tricks on you in the above two photos they are not. I didn't really like the new replacement 2C92 2200uF, 25V capacitor for +15VDC in the Beomaster.  The markings on that capacitor were kind of strange. It wasn't as clear as it should be about which end of the axial capacitor was positive and negative. Normally the (-) marking is a distinct arrow pointing at the negative end. This capacitor looks like it points in both directors and the data sheet on it wasn't any I switched it out with a Vishay 2200uF, 25V, axial capacitor that has clear polarity markings.

Plugging in the Beomaster 2400 and turning the master power switch on resulted in the red Standby LED illuminating.

The first test I performed was for the +15VDC supply. I adjusted it to the required +15V per the service manual.

Next were the left and right channel no-load current adjustments.
The space for attaching measurement wires and adjusting the trimmers is very cramped in the Beomaster 2400. My method of performing the adjustment is to mount the measurement wires across the emitter resistors from the bottom of the Beomaster 2400 main board.

That provides the leads I need to attach my DMM for the no-load current measurements.
I adjusted the left channel for the target 12mV across the emitter resistor test points.

Then I adjusted the right channel.

So far everything looks good.

I want to measure the Beomaster 2400 muting circuit while I have the cover off and the original lamps still attached. That is the volume muting that occurs when the music source is switched.  Pressing one of the Beomaster music source switches should send a volume mute signal to the volume control until the source switching is completed.

I soldered on some test wires so I can watch the muting circuit in action with an oscilloscope.

Tomorrow I will measure what goes on with the volume muting circuit.

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