
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Beogram 4002 DC Motor: Spark Snubber Replacement

I recently received a Beogram 4002 DC platter motor that I had on the bench already in November 2016. Back then it suffered from a broken off brush as well as a severed pickup coil lead.
Now it exhibited RPM drops again.
This pretty much left issues with the spark snubbers as root cause. I opened the motor up to get to the rotor:

The spark snubbers are the devices with red dots around the commutator. The new spark snubbers are on the black pad.
I removed the original spark snubbers:
And soldered the new ones between the coil terminals:

Then I performed an RPM stability test over about 24 hrs with the BeoloverRPM device:
This is the curve I measured:
This motor appears ready for duty again!

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