
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Beogram 4002 Type 5513: Third Beogram From Houston

Last year I restored a couple of Beogram 4002 Type 5513 turntables for an owner in Houston, Texas.
The owner is a serious vinyl user and has a third Beogram 4002 Type 5513 to restore as a backup deck.  I am impressed with this level of Beogram 4002 fandom so let's get this project started.

Here is the initial assessment of this latest Beogram 4002 Type 5513.
This Beogram model and type was produced and sold in the USA in 1976. It is actually the first type of Beogram 400x turntable I owned. It's great to see these with owners that are still using them.

The overall cosmetic condition is good. There is some scraped of black paint on the hinge of the dust cover (in the back) that makes it stand out but the dust cover is actually in good shape.

The usual wear on the control panel buttons is present.
The inside of this Beogram is nice and clean. There are rust spots showing on the floating suspension springs. I see that quite a bit and will clean that up.
The plastic washers for the wood trim are all broken off. I will get some 3D printed replacements from Beolover.

The suspension lockdown washers are still intact so those should be good. I will apply some plastic conditioner on them.

This Beogram still does partially function. The motors work as do the control panel buttons.
However, the platter motor makes noise as you would hear from dried out bearings.  Beolover's motor rebuild service will take care of that problem.

The tonearm is in great shape but I can see that the tangential arm assembly carriage position sensor has a burned out sensor LED (the sensor's light source).

The main board (PCB1) looks good and will be restored to like new functionality when I replace the old electrolytic capacitors and speed trimmers.

Once this is restored it will make a great backup Beogram for its owner.  It would even be a great primary turntable :-)

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