
Monday, December 30, 2019

Beomaster 2400: Lamp Replacements

This post shows my Beomaster 1900/2400 lamp replacement method.

I replace the two volume level indicator lamps with new incandescent type lamps. These lamps are part of the the volume level circuit and need the lamps to be the incandescent type of lamp.

This is the board with the original lamps.

Here is the board with two new incandescent lamps installed.  I source them from Martin Olsen.

Next is the update to the Beomaster 2400 source selection and FM indicator lamps.
Again, here is the original lamp board for the source selection and FM indicator lamps.
I marked the positive side on the lamps I will be replacing with LED type bulbs.

First is the replacement of the three incandescent bulbs for (FM Stereo indication and FM tuning).

Next are the replacement of the source selection indicator lamps with LED modules.
These are a bunch of my homemade LED assemblies. The single ones are for the Beomaster 1900/2400 source indicator lamps. The dual LED assemblies are for the Bass, Treble and Balance position indicators.

Last are the replacement of the incandescent lamps for the Bass, Treble and Balance indicators.
Here is a picture of the board with the original incandescent lamps.

I always change these lamps to LED type lamps.  I often find that the plastic position indicator masks that fit over these lamps are damaged due to heat from the lamps. The LED replacements operate at a much lower temperature so should be better for the long term and are not damaging to the plastic indicator masks.

In the next post I will reassemble the Beomaster 2400 next and check the results of the restoration work so far.

1 comment:

  1. What value of resistors did you choose for the single and the double LEDs, please? I cannot read them from the photos. What current did you tune them to 35mA? Regards, Bo


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