
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Beogram 4004 (5526): (New Beolover Video!) Exchanging the Sensor Arm Light Bulb with an LED Assembly

After getting the DC platter motor finally to run properly, it was time to exchange the last light bulb in the Beogram 4004 (5526) that I am restoring right now, the sensor (detector) arm bulb with a LED. This process has still been a bit 'experimental', but I think we finally have come to a stable process that should be relatively easy to replicate by other B&O enthusiasts around the world. So I decided it was finally time to make a video that outlines this process for those who would like to implement our LED assembly (send an email or use the contact form on the right if you are interested in getting the part). This shows the LED assembly next to the bulb compartment in the sensor arm:
The video discusses the detector circuit, how to upgrade it for reliable performance, and how to install the LED assembly. Enjoy!

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