
Monday, September 17, 2018

Canada Beomaster 8000: Reassembly of Rear Cabinet Components

The rust on this Beomaster 8000 unit is neutralized and the affected metal pieces have been repainted. This receiver is ready for the reassembly of the left and right output amplifier boards, speaker switches and the power supply board.

First though, here are some final pictures of the rust cleanup. Nothing really to say here other than to reiterate that it is better to completely remove the frame parts in order to find any rust areas hiding in the seams.

While everything is open and out of the way I like to change the speaker switches at this point. We do that just to avoid any problems with the old switches in the future. I am using a Beolover speaker switch part for the replacement on this Beomaster 8000 unit.

Here is the speaker switch wiring for the two original switches.

Here is the new switch for Speaker 1

Here are both new speaker switches installed.

Now on to the reinstallation of the left and right output amplifier assemblies I restored and tested earlier.

Starting with the left channel output amplifier assembly...

The opening has a small shelf for the lid damper molded into the cabinet frame. That makes it nearly impossible to slide the output amplifier board into the cabinet oriented the way it will be when installed.

The left channel output amplifier board must be turned 90° sideways to fit through the opening in the frame, then rotated back 90° to its installed position.

Now that the left channel board is in place I will finally solder down the left channel reservoir capacitor wires.

The right channel output amplifier assembly installation is a little easier. The cabinet frame opening for the right channel is much less obstructed.

The final steps are to mount the left and right channel output amplifier assembly heat sinks back on the cabinet frame.

The Beomaster 8000 power supply board assembly is installed and I can now move on to the next part of the restoration.

Note in the above picture that I have temporarily left the metal shield box off the remote control receiver (on the power supply board) until I test that it is working.

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