
Sunday, August 12, 2018

Texas Beomaster 8000: Removing the output amplifier boards

After removing the Beomaster 8000 output amplifier boards on the unit from Canada per the service manual instructions, I tried a slightly different technique on the unit from Texas.

Again I wanted to remove the whole output amplifier assembly intact (not detaching the heatsink). This time I wanted to spend a little more time to see if the boards couldn't be removed straight out of the frame opening without rotating the boards ninety degrees.

For the right channel output amplifier board this was possible. There are really just the speaker connector panel and a couple of power cables to the power supply board in the way.

It took some careful (and slow) maneuvering but I was able to remove the right channel output amplifier straight out the cabinet frame opening.

Now for the left channel output amplifier board.
These pictures are a reminder of the limited space on the left side.

I removed the left side reservoir capacitors to buy some working length of the troublesome wire bundle that passes over the left output amplifier board and under the lid damper shelf. It took a while because I was careful not to force any movement of the board removal. One thing that kept catching was solder leads on the trace side of the output board and the bottom edge of the frame opening.
Surprisingly the left channel board did finally come out this way.

I did a check with the left channel board rotated to see if that was any easier and it is.

So while it is possible to remove the output amplifier boards straight out the frame opening without rotating them ninety degrees I don't think it is the best way. It is better and easier to use the board rotation technique.

Either way this Beomaster is now ready for the work on the two output amplifier boards. 

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