
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Beogram 4002 (5513): Second Unit From Houston

Several weeks ago I finished the first of two Beogram 4002 (Type 5513) turntable projects from an owner in Houston. Now I am starting on the second one. When I first received these two turntables I pulled their platter motors and sent them off to Beolover for the motor rebuilds. He finished those and posted a blog entry about them.

I don't see any reason not to restore the platter motor if you are restoring a Beogram 400x turntable. It would be like never changing the oil in your car. It is important to have the platter motor rebuilt before doing the electrical restoration on the Beogram main board. Beolover's motor restoration includes full testing of the speed stability which includes determining the correct value of the main board 1C10 capacitor.

Here is the second Beogram 4002 (5513) unit opened up. You can see (lower left corner of the cabinet) where the platter motor is removed.

Like the first unit, there was quite a bit of oil throughout the turntable chassis. I will start with a dismantling of the Beogram so I can inspect and clean. Restoration of parts will come after that.

This Beogram was worked on before. A new phono cable was installed for this Beogram 4002 to be used with preamplifiers that take an RCA jack instead of the B&O DIN plug. The cable looks like it is in good shape and has nice RCA jacks. I am not sure I like the way the new cable transitions to the plug on the Beogram output board though. I might have to rework that to take the cable closer to the board plug before separating out the shields.

The previous Beogram 4002 unit I restored for this owner had transport lock bushings that were still in great shape. They were pliable and healthy so I did not replace them. I only added a little plastic/rubber conditioner on them.

This unit has the usual crumbling of the bushings. These bushings have become brittle and just touching them causes them to break apart.

To clean up the bushing debris that already started to crumble I removed the tonearm assembly from the cabinet.

There is quite a lot of oily film from too much lubrication of the tangential drive screw. When the motor turns the oil flies off the spinning drive screw and lands all over the inside of the Beogram cabinet.

The tonearm assembly is affected by the oil as well. 

There is still some more clean up on the tonearm assembly but the Beogram cabinet is all clean and ready to go again.

The next step is to finish cleaning up the tonearm assembly and performing the initial mechanical checks and adjustments.

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