
Monday, February 12, 2018

Beogram 4000: A New Arrival From New York

A customer recently bought a Beogram 4000 on ebay. The unit was located in New York and I suggested to let me send a 'Beolover approved double boxed shipping container' to the seller to try preventing shipping damage. We were lucky, and the seller (mostly) followed the instructions for packaging it, and no shipping damage occurred. This shows the unit after taking it out of the inner box:
The only thing that was done wrong was to place blue tape over lettering on the aluminum surfaces. In the past this occasionally caused damage to the lettering, but luckily in this case this did not happen. I carefully peeled off all the tape and had a closer look.
The overall shape of the unit is pretty good, albeit there are a few scratches on the platter,
probably from some uninformed attempts to get the platter out with a screwdriver or similar (shudder!). There are a few small corresponding marks on the surrounding opening in the aluminum panel supporting this hypothesis.
Unfortunately, the remarkably unscratched hood has a glued corner...too bad:
On the positive side, this Beogram has a plinth in very good condition, both front corners are in excellent shape:

Under the hood the unit appears in original condition:
The red position indicator is in good shape (important since hard to find):

But he carriage pulley came off during transport since it is cracked:
causing the linear bearings of the carriage to break out:
After this survey, I plugged the unit in and it came alive. The strobe light is working:
And the carriage started moving and the AC motor rotated...all good signs, suggesting that this restoration may be fairly straight-forward.

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