
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Beomaster 8000: Continuing the Board Recap

Three more circuit boards are now recapped...old electrolytic and tantalum capacitors replaced with new 105°C electrolytic capacitors or polyester (WIMA) capacitors where applicable.

Here is the Beomaster 8000 preamplifier board (from various angles) before recapping.

Here is the board after the recap.

Along with the capacitor replacement I also reflow the solder joints on all of the board connectors and on this board I cleaned the input trimmer contacts with contact cleaner. The solder joints on those trimmers were also reflowed.

Next to the preamplifier board are the FM and FM Interface boards so they were next to be recapped.
Here is the before picture.

Here are the after pictures.

The last board in this set of board recapping is the Tone Control and Filter board.
This is the before recapping picture.

This is probably the simplest board to recap in the Beomaster. Here is the after picture.

That leaves just the display and microcomputer boards to do before this Beomaster will be ready for a test drive.

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