
Saturday, January 27, 2018

Beogram 4002 (5513): Installation of Beolover Commander MkII Remote and Internal RIAA Pre-Amp Board

The owner of the Beogram 4002 (5513) that I am finishing up asked me to install my 4002 Commander remote control as well as my internal RIAA pre-amplifier module. The Commander allows the full control of the 4002 with an Apple remote, while the RIAA gives the Beogram a high level output that can be directly plugged into any CD/DVD/AUX input on modern amplifiers. 
This shows the RIAA board together with the mounting adapter that elevates it above the headers on the output PCB:
This shows the board installed:
It is soldered into the spot where the output relay is located. The RIAA board design includes a second output relay for the non-amplified signal path, i.e. the RIAA can taken out of the signal path by simply plugging the two plugs into the original headers. See here for more detail about the RIAA board design and use. 

This shows the Commander MkII receiver unit on the bench:
The extension to the right is the IR receiver that feeds through in between the plinth and the enclosure to the outside of the deck. The MkII version has an added auto repeat function which uses a red LED (extension to the left) to indicate the auto-repeat status (LED permanently on: One time repeat, blinking: up to 10 plays and off: no auto repeat). This LED is installed beneath the CD-4 indicator in the RPM adjustment panel. This can be seen here:
The Commander board itself just plugs into the keypad connector, while the keypad plugs into a header on the Commander. One of the four screws that hold the main PCB in place doubles to hold the Commander PCB piggybacking on top of the main PCB.
On to the final adjustments and a test drive!

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