
Monday, November 6, 2017

Beomaster 1900 (Type 2903): Recapping the Boards

Replacing the old electrolytic and tantalum capacitors on these low profile Beomaster receivers can be time consuming as everything is very compact inside.

The first board I recapped was the Tone Control & Tuning board (PCB 4) as it was the easiest to get to.



Next up are the Volume Control board (PCB 3) and the Mains board (PCB 8).





The most time consuming tasks were on the IF Section, Decoder, Program Selection & AF Amplifier board (PCB 2) because of the number of capacitors to replace. The two 5000uF reservoir capacitors are also a bit of a pain to change. There are a lot of wires that solder onto the capacitor terminals which make for some congested soldering.

Here is PCB 2 prior to recapping it.

Here is PCB 2 after the recap. You can see the pile of old capacitors. I always measure all of the capacitors I remove. On this receiver most of the the old electrolytic capacitors measure out of tolerance. A few were dead.  So the recap was badly needed on this Beomaster.

On the reservoir capacitors I decided to use a heavy duty connector to consolidate all of the wires that need to connect to the two capacitors. This allowed me to only have to solder three wires to the actual reservoir capacitors. Much easier to manage.



There is one 10uF, 10V tantalum capacitor inside the metal box that holds the Front End, Tuner board (PCB 1).



Here is another picture of the recapped PCB 1, 2, 3 and 4 boards.

1 comment:

  1. Impressive work !
    I have a beomaster 1900 to recap too.
    Do you have a kind of list of capacitors values and quantity to buy prior to open it ?

    Best regards,


Comments and suggestions are welcome!