
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Beogram 4000: Gold Coating of Solenoid Activated Switch Terminals

The third group of switches that control the Beogram 4000 is comprised of four switches that are activated by the solenoid when the tone arm is lowered. Like the other switches in keypad and under the carriage these usually suffer from oxidation. One of the switches is particularly important, since it controls the solenoid current during lowering activation. If it is oxidized, the arm will not lower anymore. Therefore, we strongly recommend to also get these switches gold plated like the others. This shows the switch assembly next to the solenoid (this photo shows already the gold plated terminals - I forgot to take a picture of the original condition):
The switches are installed on the three small vertical PCBs that are soldered to horizontal base-PCBs. The left most switch activates the tracking system once the arm is down. The two switches on the center PCB are the output switches that ground the cartridge signal lines while the arm is up, and the right most switch (under the wide yellow conduit) reduces the solenoid current to a lower value once the arm has been lowered.

These switches are a bit more difficult to get to than the others since they are connected to many flimsy wires. The solenoid current switch terminal is the only one that can be removed directly after unbolting its base-PCB:
The other two vertical PCBs need to be removed from their base-PCB to access the switch terminals. The first step is to unbolt the base-PCB and turn the board around that the solder points for the vertical boards can be accessed:
Unsoldering requires three hands, but with a de-solder pump and a bit of persistence it can be done with only two...;-):
After removing the oxidized and deformed terminals
I electroplated them:
And then it was time to put them back in:
Nice! On to the PCBs!

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