
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Beogram 4002 Type 5513: RPM Trimmer Panel

Along with the tangential arm assembly work I also performed the restoration steps on the RPM trimmer panel. Beolover's tests have shown that this update reduces the heat load of the platter motor control circuit and improves the motor stability.

Here is the original trimmer assembly with the two original lamps.

The Beolover replacement LED lamp assemblies are designed to connect to the same solder pads as the original lamps so no board modifications are needed. As with all of the Beolover replacement parts a person could change back to the original parts if they wanted to. The new LED light modules have a specific right and left.

A small strip of double sided tape separates the LED board from the trimmer panel board. Here are the new LED lamps installed.

Testing of the new lamps will have to wait until I get the rest of the tangential arm assembly updates done.

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