
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Beogram 6000 (5512): Restoration of Main PCB and a New Reservoir Capacitor

After restoring the arm lowering mechanism and the carriage of the Beogram 6000 (5512) that I am restoring right now, it was time to give the main PCB some attention and replace the electrolytic capacitors, the RPM relay and the RPM trimmers. Here are some impressions:

This shows the main PCB in its original condition:
and after replacing the capacitors with 105C grade Japanese units and putting in a new relay and multi-turn RPM trimmers:
This shows the detail around the relay and the trimmers:
The Beolover relays are drop in replacements for the original Siemens relay (they are also available for the National relays that some Beograms feature):
After the PCB was completed I also replaced the main reservoir capacitor. This shows the original can:
and the replacement consisting of a modern capacitor and a 3D printed sleeve that makes it fit perfectly into the original clamp:
On to replacing the RPM indicator light bulbs in the control panel!

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