
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Beogram 6000 (5512): Replacement of the Sensor Arm Bulb with a FlexPCB Based LED Assembly

The final light bulb to replace with an LED in the Beogram 6000 that I am restoring right now was the bulb in the sensor arm. It is arguably the most difficult bulb to replace due to the space constraints, as well as the design of the control system, which demands that a current comparable to a light bulb flows though the light source in the sensor arm. More detail about the specifics can be found in this recent post where I implanted it into a Beogram 4002.  Here are a few impressions of the process for this particular Beogram 6000:

This shows the original light bulb:
This is the replacement assembly based on a Kapton flex PCB that folds into the bulb compartment and places the LED in the right spot:
And this shows the LED in action:
Like all Beolover parts featured in this blog, this assembly is available to other enthusiasts. Just send me an email or use the contact form on the right.

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