I have all of the Beomaster 8000 restoration parts in hand now. The first step for me is to replace the electrolytic capacitors that are the most difficult to get to. Those are the four 10,000uF reservoir capacitors in the back. It takes the most disassembly to get to them so doing them first will get that out of the way.
Modern electrolytic capacitors of the same capacitance and voltage rating are often smaller in size than when this Beomaster was made (early 1980's). That means finding some filler for the capacitor cavity in the Beomaster chassis where the reservoir capacitors mount. Fortunately Beolover has solved that problem by designing 3D printed capacitor sleeves that allow modern replacement capacitors to be mounted as the original component.
Here is a photo of the four Beomaster 8000 reservoir capacitor assemblies I ordered from Beolover.com. This is my first time using these parts and they are very nice.
Here is the Beomaster 8000 with its original reservoir capacitors. As you can see they cannot easily be disconnected and removed. They must be de-soldered and care must be taken in doing that.
To get my de-soldering gun and soldering iron to the capacitor terminals so I can remove the wires I removed the back plate of the Beomaster chassis.
With the back panel off it makes de-soldering and removal of the capacitors easier as well as allowing some cleaning of built up dust around the big transformer.
Here are the new Beolover replacement capacitors soldered in place.
Finally, here is the Beomaster with the new reservoir capacitors installed and the rear chassis re-assembled.
The next step will be to recap the power supply board followed by the two output amplifier boards. Then I will do a test to make sure the power is functioning.
Hi, What are the dimensions of the original cans?