
Monday, February 20, 2017

Beomaster 8000: Left Channel Output Amplifier Rework Complete

I finished reworking and retesting the Beomaster 8000 left channel output amplifier last night.
Here is everything ready to begin the reassembly. There was the matter of replacing the TR208 transistor that had the cracked case. Luckily I found a spare BD165S transistor.

This time, from lessons learned on the right channel reassembly, I am starting the reinstall of the components to the heatsink from the bottom up. Here is the sequence.

After that was IC205, IC206 then the left row of components also from the bottom up.

From there is was back to the bench test to check out the board and re-adjust the no-load idle current.

Everything tests out good so now I will re-install the board into the Beomaster and re-run the burn-in test. Unfortunately the left side of the Beomaster makes it too difficult to install the output amplifier assembly all connected up. At least I haven't figured out a way to do it. So I will have to un-solder the heatsink assembly wires from the board, then re-solder them once I get the heatsink remounted to the chassis.

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