
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Beogram 4000: Restoration of the PCBs - New Capacitors, RPM Trimmers and RPM Relay

After replacing the motor and reservoir capacitors of the Beogram 4000 that I am restoring right now, it was time to rebuild the PCBs. I usually replace all the electrolytic capacitors, the RPM trimmers as well as the RPM relay. This shows the main PCB 'flipped' out (the 4000 PCBs cannot be removed easily since they are hard wired to the other components):
This shows the rebuilt board after replacing the components:
The new relay in detail:
They are available to other enthusiasts. Just send me an email or use the contact form on the right. It is a good idea to replace them, since the original Siemens relays are often oxidized preventing proper RPM switch-over. On to the RPM trimmers:
I use 25-turn trimmers, which make it very straight forward to adjust the RPM precisely and durably. 1VR1 (33 RPM) is 50k and 1VR2 (45 RPM) is 10k. This shows how the adjustment screws protrude through the PCB that one can adjust the RPM with the board bolted in.
There are two more capacitors on the smaller power supply PCB. This shows it in its original condition:
And after replacing the two red tantalum caps:
On to the remaining restoration tasks.

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