
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Beogram 4000: Replacement of the Reservoir and Motor Capacitors

After rebuilding the carriage transport and arm lowering mechanisms it was time to look into the electrolytic capacitors of the Beogram 4000 that I am currently restoring. I always enjoy replacing the original reservoir and motor capacitors in AC motor Beograms, and the 4000 has quite an impressive array of large cans under the hood:
The first step was to remove the old capacitors:
A quick test with my BK LCR tester revealed two bad capacitors:
One of the 2200uF capacitors was completely gone (7.3 nF), while the other one had a reading of 1300 uF, also out of spec. The others still had some life in them, but of course they also had to go to make sure that this unit will run for a bunch of years without capacitor troubles:
The new modern 105C capacitors that I installed are held in place with a 3D printed assembly that neatly clamps under the original mounting strip that held the old capacitors together. Like all my B&O parts, the capacitor assembly is available to other enthusiasts. Just send me an email or use the contact form on the right. A more detailed post about this procedure with a wiring diagram can be found here.

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