
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Beogram 8002: Repair of a Dead Display Digit

Another issue plaguing the Beogram 8002 that I am finishing up right now was that the fourth digit of the RPM display was dead. This shows the sorry state of affairs before my repair:

Since all segments of this digit were not working the most likely root cause of the issue was a missing strobe signal for this digit. A measurement with my oscilloscope at the strobe pin (14) on the display confirmed this hypothesis. Time to 'follow the signal', which is not the most straight forward thing to do in this setup since the unit must be running to do the measurements. I installed some micro-grabber leads in the microcontroller can at strategically important points and then did the measurements with the board installed. It turned out that the trace that connects processor pin 13 to the base of IC6 (the Darlington that drives digit 4) was interrupted midway (between the solder points of the white and ground leads):
The way this looked suggested that this was probably the result of 'human interaction', and of course one wonders what may have compelled anyone to poke around there with a sharp object causing the trace to come off. Anyway, I reestablished contact with a piece of magnet wire:
and the display digit came to life again:
Time to put the hood back on, do the mechanical adjustments and then do some 'reliability testing' (= listening to some awesome vinyls I recently bought...;-) on this lovely Beogram 8002.

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