
Sunday, September 11, 2016

BeoloverRPM: Redesign of Enclosure

No design is ever final! And so I completely revised the enclosure and the base-attachments for my BeoloverRPM device that allows the precise measurement of the RPM of a Beogram. A very useful tool for adjusting the RPM when servicing the deck, or for occasionally checking the RPM as the main belt ages etc...

I sold a number of them since I made the first design available in 2015, but it turned out that the 3D printing of the enclosure had some reproducibility issues due to my use of dovetails to match the different attachable bases with the main unit. Dovetails are difficult to print with 3D printers due to the need for exact tolerances, and today's consumer 3D printers are just not there yet.

So after I ran out of the BeoloverRPM units I manufactured with the original design, I decided to completely redesign the enclosure with the limitations of 3D printing in mind to fill a recent order. Here are a few impressions:

This is what is in the box:

On the right is the BeoloverRPM device with its sensor sticking out to the right. It has a small display that shows the RPM and min/max values as they establish over time. It can also send a stream of data to a computer via the USB port allowing the generation of a RPM vs. time curve. This is very valuable if there are intermittent RPM issues, that are often difficult to discern or reproduce when just listening to records.
The parts on the left are the three different bases, that can be attached to the main unit. They allow clamping to different Beogram chassises (they come in different metal frame strengths) when the deck is in service position, or putting it on top of the enclosure next to the platter. The unit is powered via a USB cable connected to a computer. This cable is also used to extract the data stream from the unit for RPM logging if so desired.

This shows the frame clamp in action:
and this shows it on top of the enclosure using the flat base attachment:
The functionality of the redesigned BeoloverRPM stayed the same, i.e. the demonstration in my video still applies. Check it out here.

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