
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Beogram 4002 (5513): Repair of Misaligned Plinth Corner

Another cosmetic item that needed fixing in the Beogram 4002 (5513) that I am currently restoring was a cracked plinth corner whose repair was botched earlier. These plinths often separate at the corners as the glue ages. It is not too difficult to glue them back together with white wood glue such as Alene's. Unfortunately, the right corner had been glued together without properly aligning the wood pieces:
Also, there were glue traces all over the veneer surfaces, very visible under certain viewing angles. First I thought I would have to slightly sand the surfaces to get rid of them, but luckily using Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Pads crossed my mind. And this worked great. What would we do without Mr. Clean!...;-).
Unfortunately, the misalignment also required the removal of the metal fixtures that are glued to the wood frame, since they were also glued on in wrong alignment:
Once everything was apart I glued the parts back together, aligning them on a flat surface and securing them with carpenter clamps until the glue dried. This is the final result:
How pretty together with the newly rebuilt keypad! This is Beolove!


  1. how did you get the metal removed from the wood it was glued.

  2. You can usually get the metal parts off with a sharp and thin knife that you push in-between...just be careful to not cut yourself...


Comments and suggestions are welcome!