
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Beogram 4002 (5503): Hood Restoration

I polished the hood of the Beogram 4002 (5503) that I have on my bench right now. It also had the usual age conform scratches and chafed areas and so needed a good sanding and polishing back to translucency. Here is an impression of the original state:
The first step as in most cases was sanding with 220 grit paper:
Then it was time to polish it back to a clear state with Micro-Mesh polishing cloth. At the end it looks   clear and happy again:
The job was finished by inserting new rubber bumpers made from cuts of a 2 mm O-ring. This shows one of the original broken off bumpers:
I used a 2 mm drill bit to get the old rubber out and then I glued the O-ring sections in:
After the glue hardened I cut them to size that the hood would sit level on the plinth:
So far so good...the remaining task is to restore the keypad.

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