
Monday, March 14, 2016

Beogram 4000/4002/4004 Relays: Professionally Manufactured PCBs!

I recently redesigned the Beogram 4000/4002/4004 relay adapter boards to be manufacturable by a professional PCB supplier. I started filling orders with the new boards. Today I made a bunch and I thought they look quite Beolovely!

Here is an impression:
They are available for both the old-style Siemens and the newer vintage National relays that are found as RPM and/or signal path grounding relays in the various 400x models. The boards simply drop into the footprints of the original relays. The relay featured on these broads is a modern encapsulated relay made by Omron, a major Japanese manufacturer. They are rated for a minimum performance of mechanical 50,000,000 and 100,000 electrical operations under load (1 Amp). Since the current switched in the Beogram applications is minuscule, they will last probably close to the mechanical performance limit, meaning that they will probably outlast the rest of the turntable by far. 

These blog posts give an impression about their installation in various Beograms:

There is also a video about replacing the RPM relay in a Beogram 4000:


  1. I am thankful for this blog to gave me much knowledge regarding my area of work. I also want to make some addition on this platform which must be in knowledge of people who really in need. Thanks. Relaisschaltkreise

  2. Hi beolover,
    Great info!
    Do you sell these relais replacements somewhere?


Comments and suggestions are welcome!