
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Beogram 4000: A New DIN 5 Cable and a Grounding Switch

The Beogram 4000 that I am currently restoring had a cutoff output cable:
This is already the third 4000 that I am working on that had a mutilated cable. I really wonder why some people are attracted to cutting off cables...very strange! Anyway this gave me an opportunity to install a modern cable with double braided and foil shielding, which is the best way to keep interference from our precious MMC signals on their way to the amplifier.
I installed a quality Neutrik gold plated all-metal DIN5 plug on the business end of the cable:
I always like the looks of these plugs!

Here is the other end inside the turntable. First I prepared the cable for installation:
and then I soldered it in at the terminal block. This shows the original setup with my standard grounding switch already installed. This switch allows to connect signal and system grounds in case a RCA adapter without grounding breakout is used:
This shows the set-up with the new cable:
All good again in the 'signal path department'! Platter alignment and floating chassis adjustment are next!

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