
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Beogram 4002 (5513): Rebuilding the Output Board and Adding a Grounding Switch

I also rebuilt the output board of the Beogram 4002 that I am restoring right now while I had the keypad out for cleaning the contacts. The output relay is a frequent source of low or no volume on one or both channels and so it is a great idea to replace it with a modern Japanese made encapsulated relay, which will last for decades. This shows the output board in its original configuration:
The old Siemens relay was replaced with this custom designed SMD relay assembly:
This assembly directly fits into the solder points of the original relay. It is available to other enthusiasts. Just send me an email. Here is an impression of the rebuilt board:
I also replaced the time delay capacitor for the relay with a 105C grade Japanese type. The switch that sits in front of the output jack can connect signal and system grounds if necessary for hum suppression. This can be helpful, especially if RCA plugs are configured and there is no separate grounding pin on the amplifier. 

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