
Friday, February 5, 2016

Beogram 4002 (5503): New Cabinet Guiding Washers and Transport Lock Bushings

To conclude the adjustments and restoration of the mechanical systems of the Beogram 4002 (5503) that I am currently working on I first needed to install new transport lock bushings. Only if they are in place one can properly center the subclasses between the upper and lower lock limits. This Beogram already had lost the degraded bushings earlier and presented itself without any trace of their original existence. this photo shows the disassembled left transport lock:
A bushing should be present in the orifice on the sub-chassis arm on the right.
This picture shows the first step of the installation of my replacement bushings:
I designed in two parts that one can insert them without having to extract the sub-chassis from the Beogram enclosure. There is a video about installing new transport lock bushings in my Beogram 4002 playlist. The bushings can be ordered directly from my Shapeways store. This is the link to the part. You will need two per transport lock.
This shows the upper bushing half installed:
This shows the lock put together again with the new bushing. I did the same for the other two locks. Then, since I was at it, I also replaced the original cracked cabinet guiding washers with my replacement washers. They are now printed in nylon at Shapeways using the selective laser sintering process. This yields a much more precise part that also has much better mechanical stability than my initial stereolitography reproduction. Here is a picture of an original cracked plastic washer:
This shows the cracked washer together with its new replacement:
And installed:
There is a video about this procedure in my Beogram 4002 playlist. The bushings can be ordered directly from my Shapeways store. This is the direct link to the part. Now we are ready to adjust the sub-chassis and the platter height!

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