
Monday, December 7, 2015

Beogram 4002 (5521): Replacing the Deteriorated Transport Lock Bushings

The Beogram 4002 that I am restoring right now came with decayed transport lock bushings. A tell tale sign of this issue is the random distribution of small orangish plastic fragments throughout the enclosure after shipping.

A while ago I designed 3D printed replacement bushings that can conveniently be inserted with the sub-chassis in place. This is achieved through the use of two halves that can be installed from the top and from below. Here is a picture of the parts:

If you are interested they are available via my Shapeways store. Each bushing requires two of the parts. A video about the installation process is posted here. It is important to not confuse the upper and lower brackets of the lock assembly since they have opposite threads, i.e. it is best to mark the top one before taking it out to get at the bushings.

Here are a few impressions of restoring the bushings in this particular unit. This shows the cracked original bushing of the lock at the front:

This shows the lower half of the replacement bushing inserted into the cleaned up opening:

And here a picture after inserting the top half.

I did that for the other two, too. A bit of cleanup of the fragments with a computer vacuum, and all was good again!

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