
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Beomaster 8000: Replacing the Output Reservoir Capacitors

SinceI had the Beomaster 8000 heat sink cover off while working on the output stages it was a good moment to also replace the original 10000uF reservoir capacitors. I always enjoy replacing these with modern units and my custom designed 3D printed adapters to make them fit snugly into the original bays. Here are a few pictures:

Here is a shot of the replacement units with their 3D printed adapters (these adapters are available to other enthusiasts - just send me an email). I currently use quality Japanese 105C caps from United Chemi-Con (EKMH630VSN103MA50M):

This shows the original capacitors of the left channel:

And after installation of the replacements:

Here is the original right channel:

And the replacements installed. I had to put on shrink tubing (yellow in the photo) onto the original leads to make them short circuit proof. Some amateur overheated the insulation while messing with something back there and it was a bit frayed at the ends.

On to the speaker switches!

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