
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Beogram 4002 (5513): Restoration of Worn Keypad

I am approaching the detail&beautification stage of the Beogram 4002 (5513) restoration that I am currently doing. This Beogram has (like 90% of them) a worn keypad. The original coating simply is not up to the stresses presented by skin chemistry containing acids and fats. Usually at this age if the deck has seen even only moderate use the pads show ugly finger smudges. I recently had some pads refurbished by a beofriend in Denmark to have them on hand when needed for restorations (I'd be happy to get you in touch if you want to get your keypad rebuilt!)

Here are a few impressions. This is the original worn keypad:

I needed to switch over the PCB that carries the actual switches, hence this was a good moment to refreshen the contact pads. I usually give them a light sanding with 2000 grit paper and then a coat of DeoxIT D100 to prevent further oxidation if they are not bent (if they are one needs to extract them, straighten them out and solder them back into place):

Then it was time to slide the PCB out of the original keypad:

Here is a comparison between old and rebuilt:
And after installation:

Doesn't my friend do an amazing job?? They really look very close to new! Like traveling with a time machine back to a B&O store in the 70s and picking one up!

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