
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Beogram 4002/4004: Rebuilt Keypad Surface

A good day in beolover's life! I received a rebuilt Beogram 4002 keypad from a fellow 'beofriend' in Denmark. He is able to refinish the keypad surfaces to the original splendor. I was absolutely amazed when I received the package. The resurfaced switches looked 99% like the original. Very awesome! This will give the 4002 that I am restoring a pristine look. Well worth the money!

Here are a couple pictures. The first one shows the old pad with the circuit board removed for exchange to the rebuilt one. The usual damage to the keys from pressing on the surfaces with bare fingers is clearly apparent. Skin acids in combination with mechanical abrasion eats the surface finish over time, and a smudged appearance occurs. If you look closely, on the start key the finish is fully gone in a few spots. Absolutely un-beolovely!

Below is the rebuilt keypad. Absolutely pristine looking. If you hold it next to the damaged one, the pads have very much the same appearance. I am stunned! Like I time machined back to 1975 and picked one up at the B&O store! Excellent job! 


  1. Dear Beolover,

    Do you know whether it would be possible for me to receive such a restoration from him? I have a Beogram 4004 that has worse smears and finish gone in 2-3 buttons.

  2. Please, send me an email to and I will get you in touch.

  3. Hi

    I'm also in need for the work to be done.

    Will you supply me with his email, tia.

    Best regards, DaneLeif

  4. Hi

    Never got an answer from you regarding this alu restauration.

    Rgds, Leif

  5. Hi Leif,
    We can restore your keypad...just get in touch via and we can discuss details.


Comments and suggestions are welcome!