
Monday, March 3, 2014

Beomaster 3000-2 Bulb Replacement

I recently repaired a Beomaster 3000-2, and the stereo indicator light bulb needed replacement. Unfortunately, these bulbs are difficult to come by. So I replaced it with a white SMD LED (LUMEX SML-LX1206UWW-TR 58K2313) that I mounted on a 1/8W 680Ohm current limiting resistor, which just fit perfectly into the plug that held the original light bulb. Bending the leads of the resistor created a reliable contact. Here are some pictures:

After soldering the LED across the 'bend' I cut the turn off, creating an in-series scenario for the resistor and the LED:

And fitted into the socket for the bulb. Proper fit needs a resistor that has the right may need to try a few brands:

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Inserted into the Beomaster 3000-2 (I wrapped it onto a couple turns of Scotch tape to prevent accidental short circuits in the. Looks like a real light bulb!


Comments and suggestions are welcome!